About Chris Testa

As a second generation compounding pharmacy, we combine our experience of traditional compounding practices with a progressive and forward thinking approach to modern day patient centred compounding care.

Our long history and connection with compounding sets us apart, with Tony Testa (Chris’ father) opening his first pharmacy in the 1950s. Tony received his technical training at a time when most prescriptions were compounded and maintained this skill and knowledge within his various pharmacies.

As our business evolved, Chris and Tony Testa established a purpose built compounding facility, comprising three laboratories, as well as administrative, training, and research & development facilities. Since its establishment, our facility has undergone several major upgrades to incorporate growth and technological advances.

We priorities quality and service and facilitate an open, collaborative approach between practitioner, pharmacy, and patient. We work with a range of practitioners including doctors, naturopaths, dieticians, dentists, veterinarians, physiotherapists, clinicians and more. We offer a personalised service, both to patient and practitioner.